Friday, May 23, 2008


This is what happens when you go to the dermatologist because you have a spot on your chin that you're concerned with. I started a 4 week treatment with a topical cream that is supposed to destroy the precancerous cells. If the skin is normal, there is no reaction. I think that I had some bad cells. The bottom part looks worse because it started cracking today so I put some aloe vera on it to help relieve the pain. Aloe seems to make it a couple of shades darker. It's very painful. Sigh. I just wanted you to see what everyone else is seeing. :)
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Anonymous said...

Friend...I think you look great, in spite of some healing taking place! AND can I say, I laughed and laughed when I received your 2006 & 2007 Christmas newsletters today. I haven't had a chance to read them, but can't wait.

Love you much...Monica

jennalee said...

Good thing you are taking care of this, it could look a whole lot worse later. Thanks so much for sharing.

Nicole said...

Hope you are looking better by now!

barefootmeg said...

Jill, why didn't you tell us about Scott's anger problems? I know of a safe house you and the girls can go to. And I'll send the two older brothers over to set Scott straight....
