Thursday, January 15, 2009

Teacher Lounge Snowman

Our Teacher's Lounge needed a little January flair. I found some newspapers that were on their way to the recycle bin and I could just tell that they wanted to be repurposed into a snow friend! I sat at the table last night while the girls finished their dinner and with a little tape and white paint we had ourselves a snowman! Beings that it was going to the Teacher's Lounge, I knew that it had to be decorated with loungey items. Thus the Splenda scarf (although the stuff scares me) and a creamer packet hat. The eyes and mouth are prongs of a black plastic fork and the nose the end of an orange plastic spoon. It now sits in the Teacher's Lounge, sassy and happy!
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

You really have made this a more wonderful world. Today we celebrate YOU!

With much love,
Jill and the Core 4

Friday, January 9, 2009

Yorba the Snowman!

This was the snowman that Scott and Katie made right before we got in the car to come home from Montana. You can see that the girls are still in their pjs! My sister named him "Yorba". She said that he had a short life...but a good life.
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Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Scotty!





On the second day of out trek back from Montana, we decided to take a little detour off of the Interstate 15 to see Zion National Park. Scott has wanted us to go for the last year or so, but it just hasn't worked out. So, being just 28 miles from the Interstate, we knew that this was our chance. It was absolutely beautiful! Scott did a little dance of joy, as it had been 15 years since he had been there last. It was a wonderful day. Happy Birthday, Scoops! I love you!
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365 Days of the Walk...

It was 11:30 pm, and I had resoluted to capture the next 365 days of the walk on my camera. It is so foggy outside that it was difficult to see down the street, but I knew that I had to do it. So, here's to Day 1 of the resolution, and here's my pjs and running shoes, and our foggy street sign.
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