Thursday, July 30, 2009

Surprises of the day...

It's summer in Southern California...and summer in Southern California means very warm weather...and very warm weather means that the hens don't lay as many eggs. So when I was only getting two eggs a day, instead of the usual five, I didn't think much of it. But as I was heading up the steps from the backyard, something caught my eye. I looked over, and under some flowers was an egg! But not just one egg, but three! Then I noticed something else a bit beyond the eggs. Not another egg...just 16 more eggs! Appears that the hens found a cooler, more comfortable place for laying.

Sometimes we think that God may be pulling back the blessing from our lives for whatever reason. We don't see, though, that He may just be preparing a new blessing for us, a new place. And when He reveals it, oh what a surprise. Oh what a sweet surprise.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Isn't it the truth, My Friend...isn't it the truth?!