Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Guadalajara, Jalisco

City Bus Tour: Double-decker bus: 3 different tours: 5.5 hours:
Ay caramba:

El Centro de Guadalajara: Que bella:
El Catedral: Magnifico:
Rambutan: Deliciosos:
The colors of Mexico: Maravillosos:
Family together in Mexico: Mi familia:
Jalisco: es Mexico!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dear Weight Watchers,

I had hoped to see you today,
but an old friend stopped by.
I only get to see her one season a year.
And she came from out of town.
At first, our conversation seemed a little dicey,
and I thought that this would be the straw that broke the camel's back.
But we put it all beside us, and decided that if we couldn't
be sweet, we weren't going to get anywhere.
Before we knew it, the conversation was really moving again!
But it took a turn for the worse,
and at one point, things started to really heat up.
But as always, just a little bit of time (40 minutes, to be exact)
and a bit of cooling down did us both good.
We were really good, actually.
So, I do plan to see you tomorrow.
Thanks for understanding.
But just so you know, my friend might be dropping in again
in the near future.

I so :love: my friend.
