Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pork & Beans

I have turned my back on my roots. As my family is from Oklahoma, eating meat is very important. So when I decided to become a vegetarian, it didn't sit too well with my parents. They're mostly concerned with my health, but I believe part of it comes from an unspoken allegiance to the pig. A couple of years ago I found the most awesome footed pig bowl on sundance catalog, but when I finally decided to put down the money, it was gone. A couple of years later (unbeknownst to me) Scott tracked down a similar pig and had it sent to me for our anniversary (yes...he's a romantic!) As a tribute to my heritage, and in honoring my family, I made pork & a round about way...


Anonymous said...

You don't even like pork! Katie.

Anonymous said...

You don't even like pork! Katie.