Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Red Eyes and a Blue Heart

At 12:50 am we boarded our plane from LAX. Yep, our first ever "red-eye"... and arriving four hours later in Atlanta, our eyes were a bit scarlet. But knowing that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. awaited us, (and the help of a yummy vanilla latte and cheese grits at the Stone Soup Cafe), we were on our way.

We saw MLK's birth home,

the church where Daddy King and MLK preached,

the burial site of MLK and Mrs. King,

and Martin Luther King Jr.

Although it was very moving and inspiring and wonderful,
I wish that it could have been bigger.
I wish that it could have been more current.
I wish that it could have showcased more heroes of the struggle.
I wish that there could have been so much more.
They deserved it.
Yet, with red eyes and a blue heart, I was there.
And I am changed.

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