Monday, February 22, 2010

The Fasting Continues....

It's nothing that was planned. Really. It just so happened that one morning I was getting ready to load the dishwasher, and thought "I could just hand wash all of these and just get it over with!" So I did. And it was so domestically lovely. It was so lovely, in fact, that I did it again with the lunch dishes, and then again with the dinner dishes. It was like poetry, but with soapy bubbles! Thus, I'm considering giving up the dishwasher for Lent. Some may think that I'm super spiritual...but as the good book says "As the cleansing of the pots is the cleansing of your soul." doesn't really say that. But it sounded good.
Happy Lent.

1 comment:

Monica said...

My mother-in-law has never used her fact, when we visit, we wash all dishes by hand. I think, if we brought all of our sippy cups to your place you may, just may, give up washing your dishes by hand for Lent. I miss you, Friend!!